Around The Home

Our floors take the brunt of our day-to-day activities - unless you’ve yet to master gravity and often get little attention beyond a quick vacuum and mop. So ...

Cut the cr*p fellow green cleaning nerds - who doesn't love a delicious roast and veggie feast on a teeth-chattering winter's night? But let's be real, the ...

It’s fair to say the general consensus for venetian blinds is: look great, pain in the ass to clean! But for those of you who still rate this classic window ...

Mold on your ceiling? Gross! And actually, pretty dangerous if left to run wild. But judging by how much I love hanging in the shower enjoying a beer after a ...

Ah glass shower doors - the unsung heroes of the bathroom, holding back the flood. But like all staples of the home they can look a bit battered over time. ...

Who knew cleaning a shower floor could be such an ASMR-triggering experience? Well, us, especially when you use the TGCS all-time MVP baking soda and boiling ...

Picture this. A cozy night in, Netflix in full swing. You reach for the salsa dip and BOOM - your fingers brush the top of that glass of Shiraz and you get ...

The Green Clean Scene