Toilet TLC: Embrace the Power of Nature for a Sparkling Throne! [Eco-Friendly Toilet Cleaners]

Is there any household chore more daunting than cleaning the toilet? We believe it takes the top spot, or at the very least, comes second only to tackling the fridge (especially if it has been unplugged for a few days 🤮).

If your toilet is currently kicking up a stink, we’ve got you covered. Banish stains and odors with the mighty power of nature’s cleaning superheroes. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals (we’re looking at you bleach) and welcome the gentle touch of these natural wonders 👇

Also: Soda water can be used to clean a variety of items. Here’s how.

Eco-Friendly and Natural Ways To Clean Your Toilet (👋Goodbye Bleach)

1. Baking Soda

Enter baking soda, armed with its natural scrubbing powers! We can’t get enough of this wonder at TGCS. Sprinkle this wonder liberally into your toilet bowl, grab your trusty toilet brush, and unleash your scrubbing prowess. Witness as it effortlessly lifts stains and vanquishes odors, leaving your toilet bowl gleaming like never before.

Here’s why baking soda is effective for cleaning toilet bowls:

  1. Abrasive Action: Baking soda has a gritty texture, making it mildly abrasive. This characteristic helps in scrubbing away stains, grime, and deposits on the toilet bowl surface without causing scratches or damage.
  2. Deodorizing: Baking soda has natural deodorizing properties, which can help neutralize unpleasant odors in the toilet bowl. It can absorb and eliminate odors rather than just masking them, leaving the toilet smelling fresher.
  3. Gentle on Surfaces: Baking soda is non-toxic and less harsh compared to some chemical cleaners. It’s gentle on various surfaces, including porcelain, making it a safe option for cleaning toilet bowls without causing damage or discoloration.
  4. Environmentally Friendly: Baking soda is environmentally friendly and doesn’t contain the harsh chemicals found in some commercial cleaners. Using baking soda contributes to a more eco-friendly cleaning routine.

2. White Cleaning Vinegar

White cleaning vinegar, the 6%+ acidity kind, is our trusty sidekick in the battle against mineral deposits and stains. Pour a cup into the bowl, and let it sit. This unsung hero will work its magic while you sip your morning coffee. Scrub, flush, and voila! Your toilet will thank you with a sparkling salute. For enhanced cleaning power, you can even mix some white vinegar with baking soda, creating a fizzy reaction that helps break down stains and deposits. Scrubbing with a toilet brush after applying vinegar ensures maximum cleanliness!

These amazing properties make white vinegar your perfect partner for blasting toilet terrors:

  1. Acidic Nature: White vinegar is mildly acidic, and this acidity helps break down mineral deposits, stains, and other buildups in the toilet bowl. It can effectively dissolve limescale, rust, and hard water stains, making it easier to scrub them away.
  2. Disinfectant Properties: Vinegar has natural antimicrobial properties, making it effective at killing bacteria and germs. Using white vinegar in cleaning the toilet not only removes stains but also helps disinfect the bowl, promoting a cleaner and more hygienic environment.
  3. Deodorizing: Like baking soda, white vinegar is a natural deodorizer. It can neutralize unpleasant odors, leaving the toilet smelling fresher. The combination of its cleaning and deodorizing properties makes it an ideal choice for maintaining a clean and sanitary toilet.
  4. Environmentally Friendly: White vinegar is environmentally friendly and doesn’t contain the harsh chemicals often found in commercial cleaners. Choosing vinegar as a cleaning agent contributes to a more eco-friendly cleaning routine (which we are ALL about).

3. Lemon Juice

Squeeze some sunshine into your toilet bowl, scrub, and let it bask in the citrusy goodness. This natural antibacterial superhero not only fights stains but also leaves behind an aroma that will make your bathroom feel like a lemon-scented paradise.

Here’s why lemon juice is a useful and versatile cleaner:

  1. Acidic Nature: Lemon juice contains citric acid, which gives it natural acidic properties. This acidity makes lemon juice effective in breaking down and dissolving mineral deposits, stains, and grime – just like white vinegar.
  2. Antibacterial Properties: Just like white vinegar, lemon juice has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which work wonders in disinfecting surfaces. It can be used to kill bacteria and germs, contributing to a cleaner and more hygienic toilet.
  3. Deodorizing: The fresh and citrusy scent of lemon helps in deodorizing and masking unpleasant odors. Lemon juice can leave a clean and refreshing fragrance after cleaning, without that artificial, over-powering pong!
  4. Eco-Friendly: For the same amazing reasons as baking soda and white vinegar ❤️

4. Castile Soap

Meet Castile soap, the plant-powered wonder. To clean a toilet with Castile soap, you can mix a small amount of the soap with water and apply it to the toilet bowl. Scrub the surfaces with a toilet brush, and the soap’s cleaning properties should help remove stains and maintain cleanliness. Additionally, you can add other natural ingredients like baking soda or vinegar for added cleaning power if needed.

We love using castile soap for these reasons:

  1. Biodegradable: Castile soap is typically made from vegetable oils, such as olive oil, and is biodegradable. This means it is environmentally friendly and won’t harm ecosystems when it goes down the drain.
  2. Gentle Yet Effective Cleaning: Castile soap is a mild soap, making it gentle on surfaces while still being effective in cleaning. It can help remove dirt, grime, and stains from the toilet bowl without causing damage.
  3. Non-Toxic: Castile soap is free from synthetic chemicals and additives that can be harmful to both the environment and human health. Using non-toxic cleaners like Castile soap reduces the risk of exposure to harsh chemicals in the home.
  4. Versatility: Castile soap can be used for various cleaning purposes, including toilets 😁 Its versatility allows you to use it in different concentrations and in combination with other natural ingredients for more effective cleaning (like lemon juice!)

5. Essential Oils

Essential oils, the aromatic allies in our quest for toilet triumph. To use essential oils for cleaning a toilet bowl, you can add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to a homemade cleaning solution, which may include ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, or Castile soap. This mixture can be applied to the toilet bowl, left to sit for a short period, and then scrubbed with a toilet brush for effective cleaning. Keep in mind that proper dilution is important to prevent skin irritation, and it’s advisable to test a small area before applying the mixture to the entire toilet bowl.

We think essential oils work well because:

  1. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: Many essential oils, such as tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and lavender oil, possess natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. Adding these oils to your toilet cleaning routine can help kill germs and microbes, contributing to a cleaner and more hygienic toilet bowl.
  2. Deodorizing Abilities: Essential oils are known for their pleasant and often powerful fragrances.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: Essential oils are typically plant-derived and biodegradable, making them a more eco-friendly choice for cleaning.
  4. Customizable Scents: You can personalize the scent of your toilet cleaner by choosing different essential oils. Whether you prefer citrus, herbal, floral, or minty aromas, there’s a wide variety of essential oils to suit your preference.
  5. Safe for Porcelain: Essential oils are generally safe for use on porcelain surfaces, which are common in toilet bowls. They don’t contain abrasive components that could scratch or damage the porcelain.

7. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, the mild yet mighty marvel. Pour it into the bowl, scrub, and let it bubble away those pesky stains.

  1. Pour about half a cup to a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet bowl.
  2. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes to an hour. The longer it sits, the more effective it can be in breaking down stains and killing that nasty bacteria.
  3. Scrub the toilet bowl with a toilet brush to remove stains and residue.
  4. Flush the toilet to rinse away the cleaning solution.

You can also combine hydrogen peroxide with other natural cleaning agents like baking soda or vinegar for enhanced cleaning power. It’s important to wear protective gloves when handling hydrogen peroxide, and proper ventilation is recommended as it can release oxygen and foam when in contact with certain materials. Additionally, always follow safety instructions on the product label.

8. DIY Toilet Bomb

For the grand finale, craft your own toilet bombs! Mix baking soda, citric acid, and a dash of essential oils. Drop these fizzing wonders into the bowl, and watch as they put on a bubbly spectacle, leaving your toilet fresh, clean, and ready for its encore.

Have you heard about the magical cleaning properties of Coca-Cola?

We tried the Coca-Cola method to clean our toilet. Here’s what happened 👇

Wrap Up

Armed with the power of nature’s cleaning brigade, your throne shall shine brighter than the North Star. So, put on your rubber gloves and let these natural, eco-friendly wonders do the hard work. Until next time, happy cleaning adventures! 🚽✨

The Green Clean Scene