How To Clean a Concrete Table Using Natural Products

If your outdoor concrete table has seen better days and is desperately crying out for a little TLC, you’ve come to the right place! Moss, dirt, grime, bird poop and food from last year – we’ve got you covered. Forget harsh chemicals and embrace the eco-friendly way!

Materials you will need:

  • Warm water
  • Eco-friendly Mild dish soap or liquid castile soap
  • Baking soda
  • Cleaning White vinegar (6% or something a little stronger)
  • Soft-bristled brush or scrub brush
  • Bucket
  • Microfiber cloth or sponge
  • Optional: Lemon Juice

🐦 Pigeons treating your concrete as their public bathroom? Check out our guide on cleaning bird poop from concrete here!

Cleaning Your Concrete Table Without Harmful Chemicals

how to clean A Concrete Table
Clear the surface
Remove any debris or loose dirt from the concrete table using a soft brush or cloth
Prepare your cleaning solution
Fill a bucket with warm water and add a small amount of mild dish soap or liquid castile soap. For added cleaning power, mix in baking soda to form a paste or add white vinegar to the solution. Optional: You can also add a splash of lemon juice for natural disinfecting properties and a fresh scent.
Get scrubbing
Dip a soft-bristled brush or scrub brush into the cleaning solution and gently scrub the surface of the concrete table. Focus on areas with stains or dirt buildup. Use the baking soda paste or vinegar directly on stubborn spots for extra cleaning power.
Rinse with clean, cool water
Rinse the table with clean water using a hose or bucket to remove any soapy residue or cleaning solution. Ensure that all cleaning agents are thoroughly rinsed off.
Optional sealing of concrete
If desired, consider applying a concrete sealer according to the manufacturer’s instructions to protect and enhance the table’s surface. This step can help prevent future stains and make cleaning easier.

*Always perform a spot test on a small, inconspicuous area of the concrete table to ensure that the cleaning solution doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your concrete table using natural products will help preserve its appearance and keep it looking its best.


How do I remove mold or mildew from my concrete table?

Create a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar.

Apply the solution to the affected area and let it sit for some time before scrubbing with a brush. Wear an N95 mask.

Consider using a mixture of baking soda and water for stubborn mold stains.

Can I pressure wash my concrete table with eco-friendly methods?

Yes, pressure washing can be eco-friendly if you use environmentally safe detergents or just water. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may harm the environment.

How often should I clean my concrete table?

Regular cleaning, at least a few times a year, helps prevent the buildup of stains and dirt.

Wipe spills promptly to prevent them from settling and causing stains.

Other concrete cleaning masterclasses:

🧊 How To Clean Antifreeze Spills From Concrete

🩸 How to Clean Blood From Concrete Using Natural Products

🏊 How To Clean a Concrete Pool Deck The Eco-Friendly Way

Wrap Up

Maintaining a clean concrete table keeps it tidy and prolongs its lifespan. By using eco-friendly cleaning solutions, you can contribute to a healthier environment without compromising the integrity of the concrete. With a little effort and the right approach, we can enjoy the brutalist simplicity of our concrete tables while treading lightly on the Earth 🍂

The Green Clean Scene