How To Keep Your Ice Bath Clean (Eco-Friendly, No Nasty Chemicals)

Ah, the icy oasis where Wim Hof refreshment reigns supreme! But, to keep your ice bath at its chilliest and freshest, a little cleaning magic is in order. Fear not, intrepid chill-seekers! Here’s the scoop on keeping your ice bath clean and oh-so-appealing.

Ice Bath TLC: How to Keep It Sparkling Clean

Items you will need:

  • Warm water
  • White vinegar
  • Clean cloth or sponge
  • Soft bristle toothbrush
How To Clean ice bath using eco-friendly method
Fresh Start – Empty and Refill
Bid adieu to the melted ice and give your ice bath a quick emptying. Start anew with fresh, warm water (tap water will do).
Vinegar Splash – The Cleaning Elixir
Add a splash of white vinegar to the water. Vinegar, the unsung hero of cleanliness, fights off any unwanted ‘ick’ factors. Let this mixture be your ice bath’s secret weapon.
Swirl and Soak – A Vinegar Bath
Give the water and vinegar mix a gentle swirl, ensuring the vinegar’s reach is thorough. Let it soak and work its magic for a little while.
Wipe Time – Spa Day for Your Ice Bath
Take a clean cloth or sponge and give your ice bath container a good wipe down. Pay extra attention to any nooks and crannies where the ‘funk’ might hide.
Rinse and Fill – Freshness Reloaded
Rinse the container thoroughly with clean water. Refill it with fresh, ice-cold water – now you’re ready to dive back into chilling bliss!

Regular cleaning keeps the ice bath in top shape. After each use, rinse it and give it a quick wipe to prevent any build-up.

For stubborn spots or if your ice bath needs some extra love, a gentle scrub with a mixture of vinegar and water can work wonders. We favor using a soft bristle toothbrush.


Why choose an eco-friendly approach to keep the ice bath clean?

Opting for an eco-friendly method not only promotes environmental sustainability but also ensures that no harmful chemicals come in contact with your skin during ice baths.

Can I use this eco-friendly cleaning method for inflatable or portable ice baths?

The eco-friendly cleaning method is generally suitable for inflatable or portable ice baths. However, it’s crucial to check the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure compatibility with the materials used in these types of baths.

What should I do if I experience skin irritation or discomfort after using the ice bath cleaned with natural agents?

If you experience any skin irritation or discomfort, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional. While natural cleaning agents are generally safe, individual sensitivities can vary, and it’s essential to prioritize personal health and well-being.

Wrap Up

And There You Have It – a clean, pristine ice bath!

Now, your ice bath stands tall and ready to keep you frosty and fabulous. With a touch of vinegar and a little care, your chilly companion remains a refreshing sanctuary.

Happy icy adventures! ❄️✨

The Green Clean Scene