Soda water can be used to clean a variety of items. Here’s how.

Personally, I love using my SodaStream to make my own bubbly water at home without the added sugar and artificial flavors found in many commercial sodas. Soda water is not only a refreshing drink and an amazing cocktail mixer, but it also has cleaning properties that make it a versatile and affordable cleaning solution that I often use around the home – especially when I am avoiding nasty cleaning chemicals. 

In this article, I’ll give a quick run-down on why soda water is such an effective cleaning agent, and how you can start to use it around your home to safely and effectively clean surfaces and items.

What makes soda water a good natural cleaning ingredient?

Soda water, also known as carbonated water, can be effective as a cleaning agent for these reasons:

  • It is slightly acidic: Soda water has a pH of around 3-4, which means it is slightly acidic. This acidity can help to break down and dissolve certain types of dirt and stains without being an irritant to your skin, I have a compromised moisture barrier on my hands, which basically means any cleaning chemical provides an outbreak of painful dermatitis. 
  • It is carbonated: The carbonation in soda water creates tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. These bubbles can help to lift and remove dirt and grime from surfaces.
  • It is water: Soda water is still primarily water, which means it can dissolve and wash away substances like dirt, dust, and grime.
  • It is non-toxic: Unlike many commercial cleaning products, soda water is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. This makes it a safer option for cleaning around the home.

Some of the ways I use soda water to clean around my home

Stains on clothes: Soda water can be effective at removing stains from clothing. Simply pour soda water directly onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, blot the stain with a clean cloth until it is removed.

Carpet stains: Soda water can also be used to remove stains from carpets similar to how it works with clothes. Pour soda water onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, blot the stain with a clean cloth until it is removed.

Greasy dishes: If you run out of dish soap, soda water can be used as a substitute to clean greasy dishes. Pour soda water onto the dishes and use a sponge to scrub away the grease.

Jewelry: Soda water can be used to clean jewelry as well. Simply soak the jewelry in soda water for a few minutes, then rinse and dry with a clean cloth.

Bathroom tiles: Soda water can also be effective at cleaning bathroom tiles. Pour soda water onto the tiles and use a scrub brush or toothbrush to clean away dirt and grime.

I think soda water is pretty magic, but It’s important to note that while soda water can be effective at cleaning certain items, it may not be appropriate for all types of cleaning tasks (especially when there are high levels of bacteria). Additionally, it’s always a good idea to test a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure that soda water does not damage or discolor the item you are cleaning.

The Green Clean Scene